The difference between two apps is purely visual. The tracking code is shared, so if one works the other one should too. Look for differences in the configuration.
Thank you. I will check again then and I ll let you know
Sorry for sending here but I am trying to open a new topic and returns error
Too Many Requests
You'll have to wait. There are limits on how many topics you can create per day, especially for new account.
Understood! Please delete those messages as there are irrelevant! Thank you!
Hola Angel tenes que call 8722227
Luego vas a Ajustes-->Aplicaciones Instaladas-->Cliente Traccar-->Permisos de la Aplicacion y te fijas que este activa la ubicacion
y tambien Fijate que donde dice Ahorro de Bateria este tildado "Sin Restricciones"
Hello, could someone send me the link to download the Traccar Hidden Client. Today in 2024 it no longer appears to be downloaded. Thanks!
You can download it from GitHub releases.
Sorry, I'll try to see on the forum if the hidden client still works. If I don't find anything, I'll open a topic.
I use my android phone (xiaomi redmi note 3 pro) with the client from play store and works great. But i tried to install the hidden app and didn't send anything. Never connected. Also I tried port 5055 and 8082 and worked with both. The only port I have open on my server is 8082.