Going to migrate from H2 to MySQL on my Ubuntu server. Since there is no easy way of migrating data between those DBs and I need historical data for 2 months I am trying to set up a temporary machine on windows 10 for access the old data.
I have installed Java (OpenJDK) and traccar on Windows. Everything worked ok with empty db. Then I stopped service, transferred database from linux to windows to proper location (replaced newly created empty DB files) and started service again. Service started. As of now it is stuck for about 2hrs at this step from log:
2020-03-04 12:26:13 INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
and OpenJDK service was reading disk at about 6MB/s for all this time.
DB File size is about 80GBs.
- Is this normal, and traccar has to 'work' its way throught the db and eventually will finish, and work normally?
- Is the OpenJDK ok? Or this can be a problem?
- Anything else I might look into or did I miss something?
Are you upgrading a version?
Ofcourse it was a version mismatch. I feel like an idiot. Thank you for the advice.
Going to migrate from H2 to MySQL on my Ubuntu server. Since there is no easy way of migrating data between those DBs and I need historical data for 2 months I am trying to set up a temporary machine on windows 10 for access the old data.
I have installed Java (OpenJDK) and traccar on Windows. Everything worked ok with empty db. Then I stopped service, transferred database from linux to windows to proper location (replaced newly created empty DB files) and started service again. Service started. As of now it is stuck for about 2hrs at this step from log:
and OpenJDK service was reading disk at about 6MB/s for all this time.
DB File size is about 80GBs.