spent fuel

beryindo8 years ago

hi anton, how to use spent fuel ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

beryindo8 years ago

on report anton, this
report fuel

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I know that there is a field in reports called "spent fuel", but I don't understand what exactly is your question. Spent fuel is calculated if your device reports fuel level.

beryindo8 years ago

How to keep the fuel report not zero ?
What should I do ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You need to find a device that can report fuel level.

beryindo8 years ago

GT06N can report fuel level ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I don't know. You need to ask your device vendor.

DLH6 years ago

Hi Anton, I want to ask you about Spent Fuel in my report, why it show negative number?
alt text

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Probably because your device reports incorrect values. It is calculated as a difference in fuel level. Negative values can also indicate re-fueling, but seem too often in your case.

DLH6 years ago

So, what should I do with my device for make it correct?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Check route report and see if fuel values make sense. If not, you should talk to your device vendor. It's not really a server issue.

Anton is right. This is not server issue.
I have Teltonika FM3001 and Spent Fuel is not correct. Device is reporting fuel as percentage of the tank, I have Custom Attribiute converting that to Litres. But Start Position of every Trip always is missing fuel reading.
I can see delay of OBD reporting fuel levels; about 50 seconds; 5th or 6th position from Ignition=true has fuel read.
I wonder if there is some "trick" to "override" this? I prefer trip start to be on actual Ignition=true.

nofuse2 years ago

@Sobek Stelmaczonek

Can you share your Custom Attribute as I too have a teltonika tracker which is reporting fuel as a percentage of the tank