For the third point, you can do it using groups. Add all devices to a group and then link all geofences to that group.
Thanks Anton
That would mean all devices would belong to "All Devices All Geofences" group.
I anticipate that I need some devices to belong to a sub-group, for example "Trucks", but I am afarid that each device can only belong to a one group only (please confirm).
Is it correct that a device can be associated with one group only?
Hi Anton,
I am trying to implement your suggestion above, but I do not know how to group devices.
Database does not have a table for device group
mysql> SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tc_group%';
| Tables_in_traccar (tc_group%) |
| tc_group_attribute |
| tc_group_command |
| tc_group_driver |
| tc_group_geofence |
| tc_group_maintenance |
| tc_group_notification |
| tc_groups |
Your advice is highly appreciated
I find it a limitation that only one speed limit is set as fixed, on the server, or per device.
If I set to 80 km/h, a driver could violate the speed on a road with 50 km/h without triggering an event.
I am planning to use polypoint geofences to set speeds for "most" of the streets in the area of concern, rather than fixed.
Speed limit data can be extracted from and I can import geofences directly to the Mysql database. Events will only be set to speed inside those geofences, not /enter/exit.