
Philip6 years ago
IP address:

Try the France Demo Server.

adminip123456 5013

Goto: register and login, add your device IMEI NUMBER OR ID NUMBER.

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

Still nothing :-(

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I woke and i can see my car finally in demo so how can i get xx numbers to use my own server?

Philip6 years ago

Good... I wouldn't recommend using your personal computer, you can purchase a VPS for around $5.00 per month and install traccar, check out

If you use your personal computer as a server, you have to make sure you have the same public ip address assign by your ISP account for your device to work, normally you would request a static ip address from your ISP, that way you ip address that never changes.

See below:

Address and Port
To host Traccar server your computer must have public IP address. Most ISPs provide such feature for extra fee. Your public IP is ............

John Smith5 years ago

Hi, I am also having difficulty with this device. I have my own server running with several Coban 306 devices and a TK206 working fine. I can SMS to the cj720 fine. I have set the apn for Things Mobile 2G (tm) correctly because I can use the LKGPS app and have successfully sent commands and verified it turns the 'relay' on and off. When I change the ip and port to my server I receive no new messages in the server logs. I've tried both ports 5013 and 5001, as well as opened up incoming ports 5000-6000 in the firewall. I also tried the Demo Server for good measure with the correct IMEI with no luck. Can anyone suggest any other tests or idea? Thank you

Also, when I send: SZCS,123456,
I get: SET IP OK!
and the app can connect over GPRS. When I send Check123456
I get: LK_CAR_TQ2018/12/14 12:32,id,47200xxxxx,,s1,0,tm,,,S15,S00B00A1,F2333
which according to Voltlogs spreadsheet is firmware, ID, IP, port, domain, apn, but has some extra fields in there. This was the default response:
LK_CAR_TQ2018/12/14 12:32,id,47200xxxxx,IP:,s1,0,tm,,,,S00B00A1,F2333
(after I changed the APN), but didn't connect until I sent the command at the beginning of this paragraph, which doesn't seem to have changed the last part (S00B00A1,F2333). Currently it is:
LK_CAR_TQ2018/12/14 12:32,id,47200xxxxx,,s1,0,tm,,,S16,S00B00A1,F2333

John Smith5 years ago

I was just able to get the device to connect, by switching the SIM to Speedtalk 2G. It runs on TMobile networks. Back to trying to get ThingsMobile 2G to work. ThingsMobile is an Italian company, so that may be the problem. Though if the LKGPS app can connect, I don't see why my server on Google Cloud or the Demo server can't. Going to retry the Demo server again, now that I have the correct Device ID which is the 47200xxxxx number.

John Smith5 years ago

Well finally got it connected. It also uses the Tmobile network so it had nothing to do with the firewall. I'm not sure what changed, but after testing the relay on/off with SpeedTalk (APN: mobilenet) through the traccar server a few times while driving around, I changed the APN back to 'tm' via SMS and then changed the SIM to the ThingsMobile and I heard the relay work. I checked the server logs and it has messages from the device, and it showed up as online on the map briefly. This particular device seems to go into sleep mode very easily, however that doesn't really explain why I wasn't getting gprs communication while the SMS messages were working from the ThingsMobile site.

If anyone is interest, TM seems to have good pricing, but you have to email them your photo ID because if Italian law. SMS and GPRS only no voice, but pooled data plans.