how can store gps data to database?

marady9 years ago

Hello. I have install traccar in linux.I configured gps gt06 to system successfully and I saw data file "tracker-server.log". My gps have send data to server. my question is:
why it can't be stored in database?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Log is not a data file, it's just a log. Everything is stored in the database.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

What do you see in the log?

marady9 years ago

I see only as below code

2016-03-10 18:52:03 DEBUG: [2C9FD58C: 5023 <] HEX: 283032373034333034353835354250303033353532323730343330343538353548534f31613429
2016-03-10 18:52:06 DEBUG: [2C9FD58C: 5023 <] HEX: 28303237303433303435383535425a30302c3435362c3030362c313036312c35373336312c313036312c31373535342c313036312c35373135332c313036312c31373037362c313036312c31373037312c313036312c31373039312c313036312c35373135382c303030303030303129
2016-03-10 18:52:16 DEBUG: [2C9FD58C: 5023 <] HEX: 28303237303433303435383535425a30302c3435362c3030362c313036312c35373336312c313036312c31373535342c313036312c35373135332c313036312c31373037362c313036312c31373037312c313036312c31373039312c313036312c35373336362c303030303030303129
2016-03-10 18:52:18  INFO: [758254BD] connected
Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Your device is using TK103 protocol, so correct port is 5002. Also, unique id is 027043045855.

marady9 years ago

thank you. now it work.but when I use command Engine Stop

Command engineStop is not supported in protocol tk103 - RuntimeException (BaseProtocol:45 < ActiveDevice:46 < CommandResource:37 < ...)

How can I do?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Commands are not supported for TK103 protocol yet.

marady9 years ago

Can you tell me how can I make commands send to device?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Do you mean you want to implement commands support yourself? You can take a look at GPS103 encoder for example.

marady9 years ago

I have a file it have write command send to stop oil but it don't have code for send. then I think your system can help me. can I add this command to your system? if can, how can I do?

marady9 years ago

I want to ask you. in my country don't have PayPal, I have only visa. how can I Donate to you?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

If you want to send command, you need to implement it in the source code first.

As for donation, you don't need a PayPal account, you can use Visa card directly:

WA9 years ago

What's the difference between configuring mysql database and using openGTS integration??

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

When you use MySQL, there will be no difference from default Traccar.

As for OpenGTS integration, you can read more here:

WA9 years ago

thank you!
I have some questions i will be glad if you give me some answers and advices,in fact I would like to make my own web interface and add other modules such as receiving alert and notifications,geofencing...I was wondering if i should add code to the server code source or build a new way of communication with the advice, as for the opengts integration will i loose traccar APIs advantage ??