Traccar supports decoding of data like RPM, fuel etc, but it doesn't include it in any reports yet.
As for Syrus, Traccar supports only basic data for this particular protocol.
Hello, again.
I'm trying to test traccar clien from my Moto-E, I cannot see any data in the web demo application.
Thank you.
What is your username or device id? What do you see on the status screen in the app?
my username: shernandez
device id:353322065447360
Setvice Status: Service running
It's working as far as I can tell. It shows location somewhere in Colombia.
Great, right now is working.
I'm trying to install traccar server with postgres 9.3, I'm doing several changes in the script, so, I'll tell you my advance.
Thank you
Here you find some instructions for PostgreSQL config:
I'm getting this bug:
syntax error at or near «RETURNING»
2015-07-12 00:27:15 WARN: ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «RETURNING»
Position: 27 - PSQLException (... < < < < ...)
2015-07-12 00:27:15 WARN: ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «RETURNING»
Position: 68 - PSQLException (... < < < < ...)
2015-07-12 00:27:16 INFO: Starting server...
2015-07-12 00:27:16 INFO: Operating System name: Windows 8.1 version: 6.3 architecture: amd64
2015-07-12 00:27:16 INFO: Java Runtime name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.45-b02
2015-07-12 00:27:16 INFO: Memory Limit heap: 1780mb non-heap: 0mb
2015-07-12 00:27:16 INFO: Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT
Looks like the windows service is working but web application is not working yet
Rename index.html
to release.html
in the web directory.
It works!, So, is it a new release?, when are you going to upload it, I would like to check the changes.
Thank you.
It's work in progress. I will release it when I finished implementing new features that I planned for this release. Hopefully sometime this month.
I haven't installed the server yet, but, I would like to know if the database support ECU Car Data, RPM, Fuel Consumption Data, somethings like that, for example from Syrus.
Thank You.