What exactly has to be changed in Traccar Manager to receive Push notifications?

Michał Piasecki5 years ago

I have issues setting up my for of Traccar Manager. I have compiled my .apk with Google's Firebase .json, I changed my key in Traccar config and generated a Web Push key pair. Firebase Console shows that notifications are sent, but none of them actually arrive to my modified apk. Did I miss something? Documentation doesn't go into much detail regarding this. I've already done Push notifications successfully, but this time I skipped something and simply can't figure out what could it be.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What is web push key pair and what are you using it for?

Michał Piasecki5 years ago

Nothing - I generated it on Firebase console, it doesn't work with or without it. Maybe there's a part of application's source code I didn't change? I only put Google's .json into proper directory and compiled apk.

Michał Piasecki5 years ago

Forgot to mention - I'm modifying an Android version.