I believe it merely derives its 12V supply from the OBD2 port, and mounts on the OBD2 socket, but does not read or transit any OBD2 data. I think Tektonica do some things that will also transmit OBD2 data.
Sorry, wrong link, this is the one.
It says scanner and gps, not sure if traccar could work with it
OBD MINI GPS Car Tracker V20 For IOS/Android OBD2 Scanner ELM327 OBD 2 Car Diagnostic Auto Tool ELM 327 MINI OBD2 GPS Locator
But it says 2G only
So if you put a 3G simcard... wont work at all ?
so the question is... traccar could get info from a device like this?
Does anyone knows of this device works with traccar? Is is posible to retrieve info about error codes, fuel consumption and things like that
G500M OBD II GPS Tracker Car GSM 16 Pin OBD2 Tracking Device GPS+Beidou Locator