Change view (extjs) file Login.js don't effect

MuhHuz7 years ago

Hii All,

I update file /opt/traccar/web/app/view/dialog/Login.js and add a label on it. after i save the file, why the view don't change? in Login dialog should display new label. i added this code bellow in item array:

            xtype: 'label',
            forId: 'myFieldId',
            text: 'Tracking System',
            margin: '0 0 0 55',
            align : 'center',
            style: 'font: bold 20px Arial'

can you tell where i must delete the cache in traccar.


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You need to compile JavaScript code. It has been discussed many times. Use search.

MuhHuz7 years ago

Sorry Anton,

Thank you then..... i'll find it

Peter Flower7 years ago

Do you update debug.html?
Inside debug.html you must have this line:

<script id="loadScript" mode="debug" src="load.js"></script>
MuhHuz7 years ago

case closed, i can compile the traccar-web. this what i've done:

  1. download SDK extjs (i use 6.2.0 version)
  2. download sencha cmd
  3. take a look in (if linux environment) add system variable in that file with value is path of the extjs SDK
  4. run
  5. copy your app.min.js to the server

Thank you all...

Peter Flower7 years ago

Do you have email?

MuhHuz7 years ago

Sure: vian.qu[at]

Nitish Khadaria5 years ago

@MuhHuz can you please explain 3 and 4 step of compile traccar -web.

MuhHuz5 years ago

Hii @Nitish Khadaria,

find the path where extjs SDK intalled on your machine. then add it to EXT var located in file tools/

this is mine:

# Use the value of $EXTJS_PATH if it is defined, '../../../ext-6.2.0' otherwise

the required the SDK to compile.

then just execute the


Nitish Khadaria5 years ago

Thanks for your response @MuhHuz,
is it mandatory version 6.2.0 of sdk & cmd ?

MuhHuz5 years ago

yes... you should download it

Macan5 years ago

Can you please make a video guide about that, it would be wonderful and me and many users will learn from it.

Thank you

Swanhtet4 years ago

I can't download sencha extjs sdk .Can someone help please.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

What's the problem with the download?

Swanhtet4 years ago

Got it thanks for reply Anton.