Calculation of distance

We have migrated trip data from mssql db into mysql database. In mssql database, we have distance column in trips table. Now while migrating trips, how we can calculate distance of a trip for a vehicle (considering we dont have odometer values in our mssql database )

Slawek5 years ago

Do you talking about trips report in Traccar ? After migration from mssql to mysql when you try to make trips raport you dont see distance of trip, right ?

Fay5 years ago

Dear Slawek,
Yes, my colleague is talking about the trips report in Traccar. When migrating the data, we don't see distance.
We have trip data located on mssql db (non Traccar system). We have migrated them to mysql database (Traccar). When we check trips report in Traccar, we can see the trips but we don't see the distance.
How can we calculate distance of a trip for a vehicle (considering we don't have odometer values in initial mssql database).
Is there any field in-charge of calculating distance?

Slawek5 years ago

all is in table tc_positions, column attributes. I think you must make some conversion from old database trip location to traccart database.

example column attributes


I am really new to traccar and also we dont have attributes data like your example.
Can you please tell how to get this attributes while migrating data?

Dear Slawek,
We need your help.