how to add pop-up window on device marker click

Teklit Haphtu5 years ago


I want to add functionality to display information when a user click on the device marker as pop up window. I am new to ext js hence i couldn't figure out by my self. I need help someone to tell me the steps to add new buttons and click event handler on top of map layer

Arvind5 years ago

What kinds of help are you looking?

Teklit Haphtu5 years ago

Hi Arvind.
I want to add button some where on top of map view. I am struggling to do that.

Arvind5 years ago

for this you will need to change source code. It's bit difficult. better to use Traccar API to do your own customisation and create custom UI.

I will try what i can do.

Teklit Haphtu5 years ago

I am learning Ext js and getting to understand it using try and again. your help may speed it up. so give me any starting point or any useful information.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Teklit Haphtu5 years ago

So far i understand this is a place where i can add new markers.

initMap: function () {

        this.geofencesSource = new ol.source.Vector({}); ol.layer.Vector({
            name: 'geofencesLayer',
            source: this.geofencesSource

        this.liveRouteSource = new ol.source.Vector({});
        this.liveRouteLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
            source: this.liveRouteSource,
            visible: this.lookupReference('showLiveRoutes').pressed

        this.routeSource = new ol.source.Vector({}); ol.layer.Vector({
            source: this.routeSource

        this.accuracySource = new ol.source.Vector({}); ol.layer.Vector({
            name: 'accuracyLayer',
            source: this.accuracySource

        this.markersSource = new ol.source.Vector({}); ol.layer.Vector({
            source: this.markersSource
Teklit Haphtu5 years ago

I want to customize like this when hovering over any device on the map.

Please help.

Why is difficult to answer this question. I don't understand that. it has been 4 days and i couldn't get any answer

Description text

aragoso5 years ago

Good afternoon, how do I put a window? With Lock and unlock vehicle? thanks

Diego5 years ago


Rock5 years ago

WOW!!! where is this interface??

Matrac744 years ago

Can you tell me who created this user interface? I would like to contact the appropriate person or company for collaboration.