Have you tried Huabao protocol?
I dont any idea about Huabao protocol. How can I solve it?
Just use the right port.
How can I get right port?
I already told you the right port - Huabao.
I think Huabao port is 6015. But did not work.
I would recommend to read documentation before asking any further questions.
Hi, try with port 5013, work for me.
Você conseguiu deixar online?E qual a porta?
Still can not work. Feeling upset.
Vc enviou o protocolo desse novo modelo?
o que você quer dizer com protocolo de envio? Seu protocolo Huabao
Também não consigo deixar online
A porta huabao e 5015
I have a server containing with 25 sinotrack ST-901, St-901M, ST-906. Recently I have purchased Sinotrack ST-901A+. Tried to connect with 5013 port. But not connecting with. Even I have tried your demo server. but failed. When I connect with Sinotrack Platform with 8800 port, it can work.
I have tried all possible combination with your demo & mine server. Please help me.