hi, I am trying to move from my old Windows machine to Linux Docker (image: "traccar/traccar:latest", as the in the website mentioned "tananaev/traccar:latest" is not working).
The Docker creation with the latest image and the mounting is all working and it's also starting if started without any old database and the homepage is visible.
Although after I uploaded the database.mv.db and database.trace.db to the docker path, it's not working. The DB itself is growing by about 50% and then it's shrinking to half of the original size. The homepage is also not visible/starting as the docker seems to restart the application.
The logs have a lot of
ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Table "POSITIONS" not found; SQL statement:
ALTER TABLE PUBLIC.POSITIONS ADD CONSTRAINT PUBLIC.PK_POSITIONS PRIMARY KEY(ID) INDEX PUBLIC.PRIMARY_KEY_2 [42102-199] - JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
in it.
I would like to upload the full logs but can't find the option in the forum?
I also looked in the upgrade process, but it seems that there are only extra steps need for pre 3.0 versions.
To be honest I am not sure what version I am using, as I could not find anywhere in the files or in the browser any mentioned version. I am assuming I have at least 3.8 because of the "schema" folder, as the highest file in there is "changelog-3.8.xml"
Any clue why it's struggling with the original DB from windows? Did I oversee something?
Please let me know :)
Maybe the database structure change from one version to another... or change from windows to linux.
Ask it to Anton Tananaev, i think that he could help you.
I am not sure if I contacted him correctly. I have opened up a github issue, but there are still no replies. I guess he is quite busy right now or how can I contact him more directly?
hi, I am trying to move from my old Windows machine to Linux Docker (image: "traccar/traccar:latest", as the in the website mentioned "tananaev/traccar:latest" is not working).
The Docker creation with the latest image and the mounting is all working and it's also starting if started without any old database and the homepage is visible.
Although after I uploaded the database.mv.db and database.trace.db to the docker path, it's not working. The DB itself is growing by about 50% and then it's shrinking to half of the original size. The homepage is also not visible/starting as the docker seems to restart the application.
The logs have a lot of
in it.
I would like to upload the full logs but can't find the option in the forum?
I also looked in the upgrade process, but it seems that there are only extra steps need for pre 3.0 versions.
To be honest I am not sure what version I am using, as I could not find anywhere in the files or in the browser any mentioned version. I am assuming I have at least 3.8 because of the "schema" folder, as the highest file in there is "changelog-3.8.xml"
Any clue why it's struggling with the original DB from windows? Did I oversee something?
Please let me know :)