How To integrate Telegram into Traccar 4.5

Peter Pannewitz6 years ago

A step by step documentation on how to integrate Telegram into Traccar 4.5:

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Nice, thanks for sharing.

gabrielcz6 years ago

Hi Peter, thanks for sharing.
I have a question, on the doc, you say:

Click on the link in the answer of botfater:
Start a chat by sending a simple „hello“ twice.
Enter in a browser.
You will receive:

I go in browser to: and I get:

{"ok":false,"error_code":404,"description":"Not Found"}

Any clue?

Peter Pannewitz6 years ago

Hi gabrielcz
Please enter where xxyyyz is the HTTP API token, which you received from botfather.
It is not the botname and not the username.

gabrielcz6 years ago

Thanks for reply.

I tried that too.
mi key is something like:


I try:

and in all cases I get:

{"ok":false,"error_code":404,"description":"Not Found"}

You know what more I can try?

gabrielcz6 years ago

Done, working, need to put BOT word as bot863670332:AAG8MZxR4zu_fcK0mssdcddscq2Yf8mmITs


Macan6 years ago


Nice tutorial mate. I follow your steps and add this two lines into the traccar xml:
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.chatid'>00000000</entry>
but I do not have option in the Traccar Web Server>Notification to add notificatorTelegram, I only have this four notification options: mobile, web, sms, mail. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue ?

Thank you again for the tutorial.

Macan6 years ago

Hi Peter again,

When I add the code for the Telegram in the traccar js do I need to compile traccar again or I can just run debug.html ?

You k6 years ago

when i tried to generate the chat_ID i got only this : {"ok":true,"result":[]}

Fmstrat5 years ago

Hey all, I just posted about this here:

But you may find it easier to use this companion app to connect with Telegram:

Daniel G5 years ago

Hello Fmstrat,
Thank you for your guide.
Can you please describe how "Usage outside of Docker" can be used on already installed Traccar server (on ubuntu 18.04)? I am a beginner and badly need your help of step-by-step guide.

yaneimeumbria5 years ago

Good afternoon, I would like to know how to access the source code of traccar.
I would appreciate your help

You k2 years ago

please send again the step by step traccar telegram documentation

Peter Pannewitz2 years ago