source of the hidden android app

Vasilev6 years ago

Hello dear all,
i want to ask if this is also the hidden version for android:

and how it can be build - hidden and not hidden.
i have installed in on my device but when i call the number it is not opening the configuration, it is telling wrong number, should i add # or * .

thank you !

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Yes, the repository is the same. Use flavor to select which version to build.

Vasilev6 years ago

Thank you !
and should i add # or * in the end or front of the number while calling, because nothing is happening for me.

Vasilev6 years ago

Hello again,
i have downloaded the source and added google services.json and got error:

No matching client found for package name 'org.traccar.client'

is there any additional configuration needed?