Unable to decode Hex? It returns garbled text?

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago


2019-08-26 13:04:13  INFO: [6e8536e7] connected
2019-08-26 13:04:13  INFO: [6e8536e7: watch <] HEX: ff41515348002b01030000c137a4bc876d92ebad00d63316d4d87265b551f47931b11cad729cd5d41b4f3e016cce079c
2019-08-26 13:04:13  INFO: [6e8536e7: watch <] HEX: ff41515348003b01030000c137a4bc876d92ebad00d63316d4d8724d2d38e548997199da2241ea3311672697feb0ac90b68fa57ed26345b6c1c758016cce079b
2019-08-26 13:05:13  INFO: [6e8536e7] disconnected
2019-08-26 13:05:13  INFO: [79b251cc] connected
2019-08-26 13:05:13  INFO: [79b251cc: watch <] HEX: ff41515348002b01030000c137a4bc876d92ebad00d63316d4d87265b551f47931b11cad729cd5d41b4f3e016cce0893
2019-08-26 13:05:13  INFO: [79b251cc: watch <] HEX: ff41515348003b01030000c137a4bc876d92ebad00d63316d4d8724d2d38e548997199da2241ea3311672697feb0ac90b68fa57ed26345b6c1c758016cce0894
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Do you have protocol documentation? It's a binary protocol, so HEX decoder won't help.

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago

Not that I know of (I don't have much knowledge in hardware). The device I'm trying to hook to traccar is a watch, some Chinese manufacturer so there's very little info on their package. I've gone through the clones PORTS either with no luck.


P.S. I'm not sure if you guys have paid support I can contact directly for inquiries?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

We do have paid support, but we won't be able to do anything without protocol documentation.

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago

How do I avail of paid support? I would like to know about manufacturer / watches that were proven to work with this platform as well as some help in building a project. Thanks for the quick responses

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There's an email address on support page.

vk3vcs6 years ago

I thinking this might be the string that the watch sends, i am also playing with a watch and not able to get it to report.

9529,21242,124,9529,21151, 120,9529,63556,119,0,40.7]

Can Send protocol info if you have email address, any info would be great.

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago

@vk3vcs impressive! how do you decode it into that? i already tried to contact manufacturer actually but thought i might need a key or something to decode the logs so will follow them up by asking for a protocol info. send me a mail, i might need some more help along the way.

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago

*NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ANSWER but just plain guess straight out of google search (using vk3vcs logs), 1st result is an A19 communications protocol
Could this be helpful?

vk3vcs6 years ago

Sent Email

Jubal Mabaquiao6 years ago

@vk3vcs, was not able to receive your mail (not in spam either). you might want to collab, i am also on skype [REMOVED]

vk3vcs6 years ago

Sorry has sent now, was in outbox. sorry you should have it


Anas Muhammed6 years ago

@vk3vsc, how is this decoded? email: [REMOVED]

xotabu45 years ago

Hi everyone,
I'm having same issue, can someone share any data regarding HEX decode?

Alex5 years ago

Do you can help me with decode? My email [REMOVED] Please send some information about.