Problems with Client sending positions too often

Ronnie Zeiller5 years ago

thank you for this great software you are sharing!

Everything is working very nice, but at the moment I have problems with an Android Client 4.5 which is sending positions every (mean value) 16 Seconds, even when it is setup to frequency 300.

On the iPhone it is possible to setup nothing for Distance and Angle, so the client is keeps the interval of the setup frequency (300 Seconds).
But on Android it is not possible to clear entries, it always restores the default values 50 meters and 30° and so the internal frequency is cut down to 1 Second....

Any ideas how to prevent this?

Thank You!

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Set values to zeroes, which are the default values.

Ronnie Zeiller5 years ago

Just that easy :-)

Thank you Anton!