Good day guys
I have twillo properly configured on my server and i can receive sms for notifications like device online, device offline and device unkown
but am wondering why i cant receive any sms notifications for overspeed and yet i have configured my speedlimit at just 15kmh
Whats also weird is that when i remove the twillo configuration, i can properly recieve notifications on my email for overspeed
i dont know whats wrong, because this seems weird based on the fact that i can receive al other sms notifications and i cant receive the one for overspeed
I havent change anything on the templates for messages
his is the code to connect
<entry key='notificator.sms.manager.class'>org.traccar.sms.HttpSmsClient</entry>
<entry key='sms.http.url'></entry>
<entry key='sms.http.user'>ACdf643a8$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ae14</entry>
<entry key='sms.http.password'>bd7c7cf44@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f8</entry>
<entry key='sms.http.template'> From=%2B12132052786&To={phone}&Body={message}
now there is sms code for offline and online
$ offline at $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)
$ online at $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)
this is the code for sms for overspeed
#if($speedUnit == 'kmh')
#set($speedValue = $position.speed * 1.852)
#set($speedString = $numberTool.format("0.0 km/h", $speedValue))
#elseif($speedUnit == 'mph')
#set($speedValue = $position.speed * 1.15078)
#set($speedString = $numberTool.format("0.0 mph", $speedValue))
#set($speedString = $numberTool.format("0.0 kn", $position.speed))
$ exceeds the speed $speedString#{if}($geofence) in ${else}#{end} at $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)
please help
Good day guys
I have twillo properly configured on my server and i can receive sms for notifications like device online, device offline and device unkown
but am wondering why i cant receive any sms notifications for overspeed and yet i have configured my speedlimit at just 15kmh
Whats also weird is that when i remove the twillo configuration, i can properly recieve notifications on my email for overspeed
i dont know whats wrong, because this seems weird based on the fact that i can receive al other sms notifications and i cant receive the one for overspeed
I havent change anything on the templates for messages
his is the code to connect
<entry key='notificator.sms.manager.class'>org.traccar.sms.HttpSmsClient</entry> <entry key='sms.http.url'></entry> <entry key='sms.http.user'>ACdf643a8$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ae14</entry> <entry key='sms.http.password'>bd7c7cf44@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f8</entry> <entry key='sms.http.template'> From=%2B12132052786&To={phone}&Body={message} </entry>
now there is sms code for offline and online
this is the code for sms for overspeed
please help