
Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I bought LK720 and wanted to track it in traccar but i cannot set it up. Any help?

Philip6 years ago
Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I read this and i did not help me. I dont know where to find ip and port.

Philip6 years ago

You need to set your device to send data to your traccar servers ip address and port number.

adminip123456 190.133.15.xx 5013

Use your traccar public ip address, are you using your own traccar server setup?

Port is already setup on the server, try 5013.

Have you tried the following

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I know that i look like an idiot but I am trying to run it 8 hours straight and I dont know where to find the xx numbers.

Philip6 years ago

Where is your Traccar setup, on your windows computer, windows server, linux server, etc...?

Do you have a url address to your traccar server you can paste here...

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

On my windows computer. localhost:8082

Philip6 years ago

I would suggest you setup a linux or windows vps which has a static fixed public ip address. I'm not sure of your setup and if your ISP has allocated you a static ip address.

Use the demo server Traccar provide for testing...

First try sending the following sms command to your device to forward data to

adminip123456 5013

Now using the demo server Traccar provide for testing:
Goto: register and login, add your device IMEI NUMBER OR ID NUMBER.

If you get this to work on the demo server, will work anywhere.

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I sent following command to device and tried both IMEI and ID and still nothing i tried it in demo.

Philip6 years ago

Did you get a sms reply when you sent the adminip command?

Have you setup your device you have a user guide.

admin123456 'cell number'

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

Yes i get SMS reply.

Philip6 years ago

Not sure what you can try next. I've never used the LK720 device. What type off a sim card are you using, I'm in Australia and i use a $10 plan sms, calls and data, don't use prepaid - (NAT) Firewalls.

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

I am in Czech Republic and using calls, data and sms. Something around $10

Philip6 years ago

What was the SMS reply you received when sending the command

adminip123456 5013

Pavel Hutnik6 years ago

adminip ok