Need a recommendation on the best tracking device for refrigerated transport

AJ6 years ago

Hi guys, can anyone give a recommendation on the most reliable and accurate 4G/LTE tracking device for refrigerated transport?

Luke Crooks6 years ago

Why does it have to be 4g? 2g is very stable and should be much cheaper to run. Stick to a well known brand, I have used many different trackers and never had one fail. I had a BOX tracker fail once, but this was after 6+ years in service.

AJ6 years ago

Hi thanks Luke, because 4g is future proof. Have you used those devices for refrigerated transport with a temperature sensor? What makes have you ever used?

Luke Crooks6 years ago

4g is future proof yes, but many countries are not shutting down 2g for some time yet, but if you can afford the cost difference for purchasing 4g trackers, then I don't see why it would be a bad thing (2g will be cheaper outlay and cheaper to run). Temperature sensors are easy to wire in, this device should fit your needs: Most Teltonika devices use the same protocall and work great with Traccar, this device has not been tested yet, but if it uses the same protocall as the other devices, I cannot see why it should not work.

AJ6 years ago

If I go with 3g then I suppose to have a wider options, what about ruptela or bce brands? Any pros and cons for using them?