New to Traccar server system not starting when using v4.5

Arunesh Dutta6 years ago

As documented here the old version was working, now have killed the process and downloaded 64bit linux 4.5 version, but unfortunately the process is not starting on entering "sudo systemctl start traccar.service" as simply will go to new input and can't reach through browser as usual, confirming same by running port check also reveals no process

traccar log

Macan6 years ago

There's no wrapper log anymore.

Arunesh Dutta6 years ago

The issue is even version 4.4 is starting and I can see it using the the service running on port and reach through browser but version 4.5(current) is not working at all how to do so to run at least latest

Arunesh Dutta6 years ago

I again tried it works as it seems the issue was with wrong mysql script been entered as shown in tutorial rather used another mentioned to use mysql instead of h2 db

Macan6 years ago

I can setup you mysql database it is better for backups and everything when I have free time.