Ruptela FM-Eco4 Light+ 3g is displayed online but does not show the location.

alan cuellar6 years ago

Hi, sorry for my writing but I am using an online translator.

I am trying to connect the FM-Eco4 Light + 3G device to traccar on port 5046, I am using a TCP connection.

I registered the device and it appears online but no information is sent as location or other attributes. I have verified the LOG and some lines that are shown are the following:

2019-06-07 01:54:16  INFO: [f36b59bd: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e2000003e80000001e001ee67f

2019-06-07 01:57:07  INFO: [04808b40: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e2000003e80000001e001ee67f

2019-06-07 05:02:51  INFO: [d6195d64: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e20000000500000005001ecc4b

2019-06-07 05:04:53  INFO: [27247161: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e20000000500000005001ecc4b

2019-06-07 05:06:55  INFO: [8d077275] connected
2019-06-07 05:06:55  INFO: [8d077275: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e20000000500000005001ecc4b

2019-06-07 05:11:48  INFO: [5bc7b3f4] connected
2019-06-07 05:11:48  INFO: [5bc7b3f4: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e20000000500000005001ecc4b
2019-06-07 05:13:48  INFO: [5bc7b3f4] timed out
2019-06-07 05:13:48  INFO: [5bc7b3f4] disconnected
2019-06-07 05:13:51  INFO: [9a97dba0] connected
2019-06-07 05:13:51  INFO: [9a97dba0: 5046 <] HEX: 002e000315285d54972d0f4563303430302e30332e33332e303600012fd11758092c000518e20000000500000005001ecc4b

I tried using the hexadecimal decoder to understand the protocol but it throws something like this:

... some binary data ...

At first I thought it was a problem with the configuration of the device but I configured it to another server of a private company and if I send the location in real time.

Does anyone know the solution to this problem? or is it likely that the protocol has changed ?.

I appreciate your answers.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It could be a protocol change or your device just doesn't report any location data.

alan cuellar6 years ago

Thanks for the answer, to rule out that it is a fault in the configuration of my server, I linked it to the server "", the identification is 867688038831917, can you see any record different from mine?

Finally, is the information seen in the LOG registers the same as the rupture protocol implemented in currently tracing?

samuel6 years ago

I'm dealing with the same problem.
Your Hex data is a command 15 ( Identification packet) from the device, the device is waiting for a command 115 fom the server (ACK)
The "command option" (command button in traccar) always send payload as command 108 (SMS via GPRS).
Still dont know how to send that command 115 (ACK)

samuel6 years ago

Hey, so I found a way around; when you make the configuration of your eco4 do this:
Use "Identification String": disable

alan cuellar6 years ago

Hi Samuel, I had solved it a long time ago. I confirm that the solution is as you mention it in your answer.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Due to the lack of time, I stopped trying this equipment, it is a very good equipment, but what I did not like is that it has very constant signal losses, so it begins to give false locations and far from the real location.

maghrby5 years ago

Hi Alan, I am trying to configure Ruptela FM-Eco4 Light+ 3g using the Device Center application provided by Ruptela, but I always get the device offline on Taccar server, would you please verify the procedure you used to do this, thanks in advance