Need some Help to send Notifications

Mindreader6 years ago


maybe someone can help me to get Notifications to send about my own Gateway "Playsms".

I know that the following Configuration is not correct, but how can I get the message in right format to send it with this line:

    <entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,sms</entry>
    <entry key='notificator.sms.manager.class'>org.traccar.sms.HttpSmsClient</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.url'>http://my IP/index.php?app=ws&u=admin&h=17471b03059b249815679489582e0608&op=pv&to=0170123456&msg=test+message</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.template'></entry>

How can I implement variable Phone Number and message from user (Traccar) ?

Would be great if someone could help me ...

Greetings Mindreader

trackinguser4456 years ago

what sms provider are you using?

Mindreader6 years ago

It´s no provider, have a look at ....

trackinguser4455 years ago

did you solve this issue?

Mindreader5 years ago

No, I didn´t solve it ...

trackinguser4455 years ago

let me see what I can find

trackinguser4455 years ago

is your goal to get alerts from conditions?

Mindreader5 years ago

What do you mean with "conditions" ?

trackinguser4455 years ago

such as if tracker exits area the message is sent..

Mindreader5 years ago

My goal is to get sms if there is a notification.
If I send the Url (in my first Post) about the browser (http://my IP/index.php?app=ws&u=admin&h=17471b03059b249815679489582e0608&op=pv&to=0170123456&msg=test+message)
it will send the message "test+message" to the Number "017012345".

Now my Question is, how can I integrate it in Traccar with differently user and their Numbers ? Is there any Way ?
Is there a way to see how traccar send notifications ?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It's not possible unless your script supports POST with parameters in the payload instead of query parameters.

Mindreader5 years ago

Ok, thank you ...

trackinguser4455 years ago

hi: I have some ideas mail me trackinguser445 (at)
gmail i think I can help

trackinguser4455 years ago

Does Playsms belong here or are the different than the ones listed below?