MYSQL connection failure

Joystick6 years ago

Hi Anton,
I cannot connect to MySQL server, see log below:

2019-07-13 08:55:29  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2019-07-13 08:55:38 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-07-13 08:55:38 ERROR: Main method error - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-07-13 08:55:38  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@6e2aa843 threw the following exception - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
Peter Flower6 years ago

Did you check the configuration of the database connection. A time ago I had that problem, the problem was that I had commented all the lines of the database connection, therefore Traccar didnt know how to start.

Joystick6 years ago

Thanks Peter, are you referring to the my.ini file

Peter Flower6 years ago

Nope, I'm referring to your default.xml, Traccar file.

Joystick6 years ago

Hi Peter, I’ve double checked the config file and made sure it is correct. I think my problem is the fact I don’t have a my.ini file. Do you perhaps have an example i can modify and use?

Tony Shelver6 years ago

I had something similar, and in my case, I think it was an invalid parameter.
To check the MySQL angle, check that you can access the database using the same credentials. There should be lots of MySQL specific forums where you can solve any MySQL issues.

Not too sure which version of Traccar you are using, but the 4.5 traccar.xml config file says to leave default.xml alone, and to make all changes in traccar.xml.
I would get a stock traccar.xml, and re-apply your MySQL changes to it, and then retest.

trackinguser4456 years ago

check any credentials that allow connection to mysql, i.e. database url, user and password--
Hey where has Ernesto been?

Joystick6 years ago

Problem solved!!
Thanks all for the help but it was a stupid mistake on my end. Traccar server and MSQL server was set to auto start at pc boot. Traccar server started before MSQL was up and running which caused the issue. I now start the pc, then MSQL and then Traccar and it works fine, All sorted. Thanks again for responding to my post.

Omar Asim6 years ago

Hi people,
I'm getting the same error as shown below

2019-08-02 00:07:28  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2019-08-02 00:07:28  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2019-08-02 00:07:33 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Unknown database 'localinstancemysql80' - CJException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 00:07:33 ERROR: Main method error - Unknown database 'localinstancemysql80' - CJException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 00:07:33  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@6e2aa843 threw the following exception - Unknown database 'localinstancemysql80' - CJException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 00:46:09  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2019-08-02 00:46:10  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2019-08-02 00:46:22 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 00:46:22 ERROR: Main method error - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 00:46:22  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@6f36c2f0 threw the following exception - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 15:41:57  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2019-08-02 15:41:57  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2019-08-02 15:42:16 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 15:42:16 ERROR: Main method error - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)
2019-08-02 15:42:16  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@6e2aa843 threw the following exception - Connection refused: connect - ConnectException (... < DataManager:139 < *:89 < Context:292 < Main:110 < ...)

How can I solve this issue ? I have checked my traccar.xml file that i modified it looks fine.

Code i modified is :

<entry key='database.driver'>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</entry> 
<entry key='database.url'>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/traccar?serverTimezone=UTC&amp;useSSL=false&amp;allowMultiQueries=true&amp;autoReconnect=true&amp;useUnicode=yes&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=sql_mode=''</entry>
 <entry key='database.user'>root</entry> 
 <entry key='database.password'>Omarzoha2014.</entry>

Over here traccar is the schema/database i created in the connection.