Save coordinates when GPS Device is moving

Tasadduq Hussain6 years ago


I install tracker device on my car and configure Traccar Server using MySQL database.
When my car is in garage it's GPS going off but it's continuous send latitude and longitude and saved in database.
Is this possible in Traccar Server when same location latitude and longitude are coming from tracker device,Server not save in database or over right with previous one,it's only save coordinates when car is moving.

Advance Thanks.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Traccar does not filter any valid locations by default.

trackinguser4456 years ago

do you just want the database from being filled up with non-relevant data?

Tasadduq Hussain6 years ago

Thanks Anton Tananaev and trackinguser445,

I just want when "When my car GPS is -1, it's overwrite coordinates (latitude and longitude) with existing ones."
