Recommendation for tracking a non-powered vehicle

mdtaylorlrim6 years ago

I need something that is battery powered, with 1 year+ battery life, that can be installed on a trailer, and sends to my traccar server. It should have a sleep while not moving option to get the extended battery life, and a 5 minutes or less reporting if moving.

Anyone know of such a device. Subscription ok, as long as it will send data to my traccar server as well.


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I don't think what you are asking for is feasible. The battery would need to be huge.

mdtaylorlrim6 years ago

I would have thought the same Anton, but there are trackers available, like the Oyster2 and Remora. Both claim a 3-5 year battery life dependent on how often the device is moved and how often it reports. My trailer is for disaster use only so it moves once a month or so.

I was hoping someone has found a device that will report to my traccar server as well as the service the device provides.


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Those devices work differently from what you are requesting. Usually they are in deep sleep 99.9% of the time and only go online several times a day. Tracking every 5 minutes or powering accelerometer (to detect movement) is not going to work.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

By the way, Oyster2 and Remora should work with Traccar, as far as I know.

mdtaylorlrim6 years ago

The way I read them they do sleep 99% of the time only being awoken by the accelerometer. After being awoken the report on the schedule you request. 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc. I would have thought that would work. Can you perhaps suggest why it would not work? Maybe I am not requesting the correct thing.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Because accelerometer constantly uses power. You can try to contact them and ask if your use case is possible. Maybe I'm wrong.

mdtaylorlrim6 years ago

Thanks Anton. Hopefully someone has also run into my use situation and has done the same research I am doing now. I'll report back what I find out.

John Williams6 years ago

The Quecllink GL300 uses very little power in sleep mode. It does not have an accelerometer which uses power. It simply detects movement.

It can be fitted with an external battery, but a year+ is a long time. If the tracker reported its battery state every week or so, could you change the battery when needed?

No subscription needed.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What do you mean by "it simply detects movement"? What sensor does it use?

mdtaylorlrim6 years ago

Yes, changing the battery is no problem, within a week. I'm curious what sensor it uses to detect movement as well.

John Williams6 years ago

OK. So my statement was a bit over simplified.
"The built-in 3-axis accelerometer allows motion detection and extends battery life through sophisticated power management algorithms."

Rodrigo6 years ago

why are you stay only in this option? .... your trailer have rear lights! ..... you can take power from this wire to wake up your GPS device.... any way, if you are not using it, the internal battery will discharge until to the next time you use the lights (or engage to your truck).....
what do you think?

Tony Shelver5 years ago

We looked at this type of equipment a year or so ago. The device our supplier offered us had a '2-year' battery life, but that was based on communicating once a day only. This is a device about twice the size of a matchbox.
What you are asking for would require a really big batter.
As far as I know, most battery-driven asset trackers (which is what the class is called) operate under similar constraints.
As mentioned above, there are trackers designed to be connected to the trailer lights. In fact there is one that is a direct replacement for a standard US trailer light that provides both light and tracking in a single unit, and looks like a standard light.

Tony Shelver5 years ago

BTW, if you find a device that provides magnetic attachment, and can give a week of tracking, and supports Traccar, I'd be very interested to know what it is.