Traccar demo server demo server

explorer6 years ago

The dutch demo server is giving error sinds yesterday. I am using the demo server sinds some months but yesterday status of all 3 devices turn to orange and it is saying status unkknown. I didn't change any setting. What happend? is it back end working ok?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Server ran out of disk space. Cleaned up space and restarted server. Should be working now.

explorer6 years ago

again same problem

Daniel cxx6 years ago

Hello Anton, I have the same problem en server demo 5. Can you clean? thanks

explorer6 years ago

Hi Anton, Can you clean the server, It is full again.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I would recommend to try different demo server.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Server should be up, but I would still recommend to try other servers that have less usage.