connected disconnected

youssra6 years ago

what is the reason of the message connected and disconnected on the log file and what is the solution ??

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It means that your device connects and disconnects. Depending on the device, it might be expected behavior.

youssra6 years ago

yes but i need solution to that please ....

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to ask your device vendor.

youssra6 years ago

this mean that the problem with the device ???

jeeva6 years ago

its not the problem with the device, its choice of a design that they do when creating device client. they can either choose to close connection after sending location message(create new connection for next message), or keep the same connection for next message to be sent. basic networking concepts these

youssra6 years ago

how can i do it ???

hairydog6 years ago

You could write some new source code for your device's firmware. But perhaps it would be more trouble than it is worth.