Devices going online/offline frequently

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

I am using traccar version 3.12. I have 300+ GT06 devices on my server and reporting interval is 30 seconds and timeout is 40 seconds. All the devices one by one going offline and online very frequently(5-10 seconds interval), Is there any issue or it is ok ?

I have another server which has only one device which is continuously online.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Depends on the device. Offline means that it disconnected from the server. Some devices close connection after uploading data. Some don't.

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

Same device is continuously online on same traccar version 3.12 but server has only one device. and another server has 300+ devices and device is switching between online/offline

vishalv20506 years ago

Did you ever find anything here ?

vishalv20506 years ago

I think the limit of the number of open files can affect this