Direction always points north

Santos7 years ago

TK303 is locked north, can you correct this error?
On the way it always points north
Other devices are ok.
version 3.17

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please provide HEX message samples.

Santos7 years ago
2018-07-08 12:39:57 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303932342c2c462c3134303932312e3030302c412c323332342e303033362c532c30343733302e393930372c572c33382e37352c3230332e30323b
2018-07-08 12:39:57  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:21, lat: -23.40006, lon: -47.51651, speed: 38.8, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:02 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303932392c2c462c3134303932362e3030302c412c323332342e303533332c532c30343733312e303135312c572c33392e33332c3230342e38383b
2018-07-08 12:40:02  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:26, lat: -23.40089, lon: -47.51692, speed: 39.3, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:06 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3138303730383132343030382c2c462c3135343030322e3030302c412c323331372e353436382c532c30343733392e373635392c572c302e30302c303b
2018-07-08 12:40:06  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2018-07-08 12:40:02, lat: -23.29245, lon: -47.66277, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:07 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303933342c2c462c3134303933312e3030302c412c323332342e313032372c532c30343733312e303339382c572c33392e31362c3230342e34363b
2018-07-08 12:40:07  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:31, lat: -23.40171, lon: -47.51733, speed: 39.2, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:12 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303933392c2c462c3134303933352e3030302c412c323332342e313433342c532c30343733312e303630332c572c34302e35322c3230342e36343b
2018-07-08 12:40:12  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:35, lat: -23.40239, lon: -47.51767, speed: 40.5, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:15 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3138303730383132343031382c2c462c3135343031322e3030302c412c323331372e353436382c532c30343733392e373635392c572c302e30302c303b
2018-07-08 12:40:15  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2018-07-08 12:40:12, lat: -23.29245, lon: -47.66277, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:17 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303934342c2c462c3134303934312e3030302c412c323332342e323037312c532c30343733312e303932312c572c34332e39372c3230342e35313b
2018-07-08 12:40:17  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:41, lat: -23.40345, lon: -47.51820, speed: 44.0, course: 0.0
2018-07-08 12:40:22 DEBUG: [231F0FA7: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032353832363537332c747261636b65722c3137303431303131303934392c2c462c3134303934362e3030302c412c323332342e323635352c532c30343733312e313230312c572c34362e34332c3230342e37303b
2018-07-08 12:40:22  INFO: [231F0FA7] id: 868683025826573, time: 2017-04-10 11:09:46, lat: -23.40443, lon: -47.51867, speed: 46.4, course: 0.0
Anton Tananaev7 years ago
Santos7 years ago

But where do I make this correction?

Santos7 years ago

Sorry for my ignorance but where can I do this issue?

Santos7 years ago

How is it fixed if the problem exists?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's fixed in the code. So you either need to wait for next release or compile a binary from source code.

Santos7 years ago

Ok, Anton Tananaev,
Thank you for your attention, and congratulations for developing traccar.

lemon6 years ago


I've upgraded to 4.3 on my linux server a few weeks ago and noticed only now that every device is pointing to north in traccar web application or android app. Is this a current issue again?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Not that I'm aware of.

lemon6 years ago

Good afternoon, did anyone solve it?

lemon6 years ago

Last server update solved it, so it was obviously a server issue.