Bing OS Map Layer

Connor6 years ago

Hi All!

I'm trying to access the Bing Ordinance Survey layer, without much success. Is there a way to enable it as an option?


MT5 years ago

you need to make some code changes but it is possible, in app.min.js look for '' and add in (with the other bing options)

key: 'bingOS',
name: Strings.mapBingOS

Then under '' add a new case for bingOS,

        case 'bingOS':
            server = new ol.layer.Tile({
                    source: new ol.source.BingMaps({
                        key: bingKey,
                        imagerySet: 'ordnanceSurvey'

Finally in the EN.json file find the other mapBing entries and add...

    "mapBingOS": "Bing Ordnance Survey",

then you should be up and running !

sfoxon2 years ago

I have followed these instructions but haven't seen any changes.

Should I see BingOS in the map list on Traccar? or is there another step?

MT2 years ago

What version are you using ? This was for the older simple web version I assume you’re on the modern one now ?

sfoxon2 years ago

Should have read the dates! Have you managed this with Traccar 5 at all?

MT2 years ago

Yes - check out your other post on the same thing ;)