Traccar.xml Telegram

Could anyone give me an example of how to set up the telegram? in version 4.4 I placed and sent alerts, but only for the bot chat group, it was not sent to separate users.
Now stopped at 4.5 should have changed something on traccar.xml

shyy6 years ago

this is woking for me

<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.chatId'>yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy</entry>
IoSonoPiero6 years ago

Hello @shyy, can you tell me, please, where can I found some resource to configure Telegram?
How can I obtain key and chatId?

Jose B6 years ago


Key_ID => created follow:
ChatID I=> created follow:

But, and now? How make this worked? How send a specific message per user?

Anyone can help?

Jose B6 years ago

I mean:
it works: by sending a message through the browser, at:<MY_TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=<MY_ID>&text=teste

In traccar log I have: WARN: Telegram API error - HTTP 400 Bad Request - BadRequestException (...)


gabrielcz6 years ago

any clue how to setup telegram?
I update to 4.5 and keep looking.

Небольшая инструкция как я подключал Telegram

В файле opt/traccar/conf/traccar.xml добавить следующие строки

<entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,telegram</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.chatId'>-888398996</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>765112785:AAHoRzesUk5f4YCBjtz0U88X2XVcTCBG1b8</entry>

далее необходимо получить chatId и Key

  1. Создаете бота зайдя в @BotFather
    Во вкладке API Token узнаете Key
  1. Создаете группу и добавляете туда @my_bot
    После чего набираете /my_id
    Он вам дас id группы

Your group Chat ID : -888398996
Title : Gps

  1. Заходим в фаил /etc/resolv.conf
    Добавляем строку nameserver

далее проверяем

curl -X POST "" -d "chat_id=-888398996&text=my sample text"

получаем сообщение OK

{"ok":true,"result":{"message_id":105,"from":{"id":765112785,"is_bot":true,"first_name":"Bot_gps","username":"gps_bot"},"chat":{"id":-888398996,"title":"Gps","type":"group","all_members_are_administrators":true},"date":1565795133,"text":"my sample text"}}

Теперь заходите в уведомления и настраиваете и в нужных уведомлениях добавьте notificatorTelegram

Igor Baev5 years ago

Привет, а возможно ли использовать IPV6 для уведомлений телеграм?

homa3 years ago

Hi! How about different telegramm alerts for each users? It is possible?

homa3 years ago