XT2469 configuration

Adam6 years ago

Looking at the configuration for the XT2469...

Looks like i have to set x2400protocol.config and looking at the code here....

public void setConfig(String configString) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(":wycfg pcr\\[\\d+\\] ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([0-9a-fA-F]+)");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(configString);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            formats.put(Short.parseShort(matcher.group(1), 16), DataConverter.parseHex(matcher.group(2)));

Do I have to put all the :wycfg statements in my traccar.xml or just the pcr?

For example:

entry key="xt2400protocol.config" 0016010304060708095793940a5813122e7d1714324a5a05 /entry


entry key="xt2400protocol.config"  
:wycfg pcr[0] 0016010304060708095793940a5813122e7d1714324a5a05
:wycfg pcr[3] 030e0103044a4b4c445813122e171405
:wycfg pcr[15] 0f1101030406070809570a13122e1714536905
:wycfg pcr[127] 7f11010304060708131214156a171653186505


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to put it exactly as you have it in device config, which means including wycfg.

Adam6 years ago

so, basically, the second example I have posted?

Adam6 years ago

So, it's not working.

Here is the hex from the server:

2019-03-12 17:40:40  INFO: [24a20a8d: 5138 <] HEX: 0f0b00c80a0e5c88274f02a385d7fabaad3109d80000058e0b0b000020a58d006300030000
2019-03-12 17:40:44  INFO: [24a20a8d: 5138 <] HEX: 7f0b00c80afa5c88274f02a385d7fabaad310b0b00630000018d000000001fa23254314b523332453238433730363138350001

Here's my config file..

<entry key='xt2400protocol.config'>:wycfg pcr[0] 0016010304060708095793940a5813122e7d1714324a5a05</entry>

and... nothin.... I'm at a loss. I even tried putting all my :wycfgs on a multi-line (like I posted above) to no avail... ideas?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Hard to tell what the issue is just by looking at the message. Unfortunately don't have time to debug the code at the moment.

Adam6 years ago

So..... Now I'm here.

2019-03-17 19:23:00  INFO: [a54b786d: 5138 <] HEX: 000b00c8cf015c8ed6d202a356fbfab97b7f0a3501900000000605101305000000eb00f0930017005c8ed6ca00000013
2019-03-17 19:23:00  WARN: [a54b786d] error - Unknown tag: -109 - IllegalArgumentException (Xt2400ProtocolDecoder:88 < *:184 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:51 < ... < BasePipelineFactory:131 < ...)
Adam5 years ago

fixed it by changing the source to return 1 and ignore the unknown tag.

Martha5 years ago

@Adam I'm also trying to configure a XT2469 to Traccar. Could you please help me?

  1. Do you mind sharing what the 'xt2400protocol.config' file contains?
  2. Did you have to add all the :wycfg statements to the traccar.xml file or just pcr[0]?
  3. What do you mean by 'changing the source to return 1 and ignore the unknown tag.'
hudder4 years ago

Did anyone successfully setup this device to work properly? If so can you share some information on what you did?

Adam4 years ago

I was able to get it working and I'm using it in production however it is not fully implemented. If anybody's willing to cost share with me in paying Anton to fully implement it I'm all for it. I have all the documents he'll need to 100% it.

hudder4 years ago

I am interested in whatever it takes to get it working as I will need it for production as well. Anton, is there any way you can connect Adam and I together via email or something so we can talk on the side?