Recommendation for small device with battery

Maier6 years ago


I´m looking for a very small device wich has an integrated battery (about 3 hours should be enough).

Can someone recommend me something?



Danily6 years ago

Same thing here. looked all over the web cant understand if devices I found online can be edit to report to personal traccar server.

darreno6 years ago

What size do you consider to be small?

Size is determined by battery size that would allow the tracker to run for 3 hours+

We design custom gps trackers.

The output of the tracker can be customized to use with Traccar.

Maier6 years ago



small would be something like 3x3 cm or so.

Battery time with up to 3 hours would be enough.



vincent6 years ago

Have you found any good option?

Danily6 years ago

no nothing. traccar developer could have made money by referring us products that compatible with