It sounds like devices are not liked to your user account for some reason. Login as admin and try to link devices.
Forgot to mention that admin is the only user account I have and I already tried linking the devices with no success.
When I navigate to 'Settings -> Users -> Devices' The list of devices show up however when I attempt to select any or all device/s, using the check box/s on the left, I get an Error pop-up window that is Blank with just an 'OK' button.
Can you provide address and login details for me to check? You can find my email address on support page.
I have same problem. How fix it ?
After upgrading from 3.3 to 3.4 (deployed on Linux/CentOS and using MySQL db) my web interface no longer shows the list of existing devices. The service started and client device is logging points without any errors, however the web interface does not show the list of devices. I can query the MySQL db directly and see the devices there. If I try to re-add the devices via the web interface it states that they already exist, but they do not show up on the web interface for me to use.