Information over this device:
Having a forum issue with myselves! Found the solution. Switched to port 5111 like other Huasheng devices. Working fine right now.
I'm looking for this kind of devices (OBD ones). I already tried Meitrack and Queclink, GPS Tracker with average-to-bad results.
Please let me know if this device meets your requirements and if you recommend it. Thanks.
Hi Ernesto,
Working fine at this moment. Looked after a day driving at the data usage, and that is high (comparing with a TK05) I think in one day I've used for about 30 Mb.
Want to test the data from my car (accu and so on) as well. Where can I start to read about the configuration for this?
Hello HJvD,
i have same device, i want to ask you how do you read obd information (fuel consumption, DTC,harsh acceleration, braking,....etc ) with traccar platform?
can you help me?
Well, actually I can't. I've been looking around for myself as well for these futures to install but I can't get it working, my technical knowledge is not big enough. You can also look at the hex information in the log what info the gps-traccer is sending you. From what I read you have to start with the protocol (huasheng) and find if there is a possibility to extract this information. After that you have to make a set of rules to extract the information.
yeah i start reading the communication protocol ( huasheng ), but that hard way i'm trying to find easier one.
Installed a ODB GPS traccer. Data is comming in, but no result in the front end of Traccar. Port set to 5002. Checked the tracker-server.log and the hex rule that is decoded is as folows:
G4K_H1.1_V1.1.d and then 866758040292878 (identifier) and then 3440640 after that some information about the mobile provider.
What can I do to make this work?