Sinotrack ST-901 config issues

Anduriño6 years ago

That IP ( is for the SinoTrack server, so you should talk to the chinese seller to request your ID and PWD

I recommend you follow my link to use a server with Traccar

edwin quiñones6 years ago

I have the same problem, have you solved it? as??

edwin quiñones6 years ago

thanks, any help, thanks

edwin quiñones6 years ago

Hi, my sinotrack ST-901 only works by SMS (send position, position on the map but no movement). In the computer is a problem, does not accept the unit ID and pwrd 1234565. Allways say user or pwrd error...thanks, any help, thanks

Anduriño6 years ago

I do not use the chinese server of SinoTrack, I have changed the configuration of my tracker and now it points to one with Traccar

edwin quiñones6 years ago

Change to this ip?

Anduriño6 years ago

With this IP only the chinese who sold you the tracker can help you.

I have left a link with the instructions on how to change to Traccar

Kerya5 years ago

Can anyone help ASAP please! Just got my ST901 put SIM card the both lights is showing everything is good with GPS and sim. But when I text massage to set up the number the tracker doesn’t answer can’t see it too...I was trying put Verizon and AT&T caries not working...may be I doing something wrong?

David Dunnaway5 years ago


What commands did you tried?

Pablos5 years ago

Is there any way to configure ST-901 to not answering to unauthorized phone numbers?
Setting control number actually does do nothing:

  • anyone who send SMS to the device could receive its configuration.
  • anyone who call to the tracker receives its position

Can I anyhow change this? Does yours ST-901 have similar behavior?

Hristo5 years ago

Had similar problem and the issue was that the SIM had a PIN number and the tracker cannot read it.
To fix it, put the sim in a phone, remove the SIM PIN, and try again with the ST-901.

Hristo5 years ago

Is it possible to send all the configuration commands in a single SMS?
SLEEP0000 5;
8030000 user pass;
8040000 5013;

joaquim5 years ago

well i have solved with the following info in traccar

instead of imei i have inserted the ID
port i have used 5013

test5 years ago


I am wondering if your -901 is able to add an overspeed light indicator? Please email me back if possible because i wanted to configure the existing 901 i have and is the yellow cable could be used for output when the bike is speeding above 50KM/Hr?


Fabiooibaf3 years ago

Hi there, I am experiencing some strange behavier with two st901 One is in india and the other one in Italy.
If I send the command 8040000 8090 the indian device send posizioning info to my server the Italian one al sort of info but not the position., I am going nut to resolve it.
Any Ideas?