If you are using Android, you can use one of many third party scheduling apps.
Had the same idea, just wanted to make sure if there's a more integrated solution.
Thanks Anton
do you want it to disable sending data? Or is it ok to keep trying to send data but failing to reach the destination to view during a precise time period?
Actually I wanted to disable sending data
ok, well that happens at the device, so it would need to be programmed or manually turned off.. As for blocking the data during time intervals (8-8) that can be integrated with software solutions and management, i.e. the device will keep trying to report but will be blocked so there will be no location updates until it is allowed to pass.
Is there's any way we can control the operation of Traccar Client in a way that it can enable the service status say at the beginning of the day and disables at the end of the day automatically ?
for example, the service starts automatically at 10:00AM, and stops automatically at 3:00PM.
Anyone has tried it ?