Searching für Kids GPS Watch - working with traccar

trackback7 years ago

I have searched and searched, I searched with the best searchmachine on Planet earth. The answer is often: would, should, may be, possible.

I need suggestions for confirmed working watched with traccar with Vendor, Model-Nr, Ali-Link.

thank you all

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If we are talking about Chinese devices, the problem is that they re-use same model names and vendor name is usually unknown, so there is no way to say anything for sure. Most of the common Chinese protocol are supported, so there is a good chance that whatever you pick is supported. I recommend to find watch model that you like, ask vendor for protocol documentation and we can confirm that particular is supported.

trackback7 years ago

Hello Anton - there are a lot chinese devices - one I have. QQ Watch. It seams almost none of them are allowed to use a other infrastructure then the vendor allowes. very less seams to be programmable via SMS. An if, no command exists to give them a other IP like traccar. By normal chinese gps tracker - no watches - it seams almost all are allowed to use other infastructure. I seams the chines will know where our kids are :-) And the QQ Watch ist very slow to give the GPS position. Sometimes 1-2h - may by the chines firewall will block the traffic or the server in china are slow as hell. But Calling and send voice-messages are working good, but GPS almost unusable because the big delay. That unreliable , it seams, have al chinese gps watches according to amazon user comments.

Because of that I hope of some experience of traccar users.

best regards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Are you sure you tested GPS outdoors? GPS doesn't work indoors.

Leif Neland7 years ago

I'm also looking for devices to use in sporting events, must be waterproof. Display and voice not needed.
Any recommendations?

trackback7 years ago

Are you sure you tested GPS outdoors?

Yes, my Kid was 3h in zoo without skyscraper around. But the position of the QQ Watch was only 1 time / h updated. There are fast/normal/gps as option to get the position. But it seams is has no impect what option will select. There is NO WAY a realtime positioning. The watch can only 2G (what maybe in x month in germany will be obsolete (the new watch should have min. 3G (but I read the netherlands will shut of 3G in x years)))...

With my 0815 car-tracker I configured, that all 15min the position should send to the traccar server. The qq watch seams not to know such options.

Because ot this facts I wish some user experience. or some pet-devices around the neck :-)

trackback7 years ago

Now I found some Infos:

named are: Q50, Q60, Q80, Q90, GW100, GW100S, GW200, GW200S, GW300, GW500S, GW600S, GW700, GW800, GW900, GW900S, GW1000, EW100, K911, Titan Watch Q50 with the SAME SMS Commands

according to here:

The Q90 is with watch-protocol supported and so all watches above should also working.

And there are some 3G models:

I will try one of this watches in 2 weaks + shipping time from china

Master Kenobi6 years ago

hi. im looking into wonlex watches too. may i know which model did you get and how well it's working?

trackback6 years ago

I orderd this:

It runs a native android (guess version 4) with modified gui. But I can install the traccar android apk and it works with traccar server. inhouse there will be no good gps. outside its ok but comsumes more power. Battery should perform ~6h with traccar client activated. But kids could change some parameters of the watch in system settings. also shutdown the watch. It comes with an other setracker android app with chat an also gps pisition, but not such accurate like traccar. And it has 3g.

Master Kenobi6 years ago

I got myself Q90 kids watch and everything works perfectly with the SeTracker app. That means, the watch can already connected to the Internet.

However, I am not sure how to change the settings in the watch to point it to my Traccar server.

For example, I access my Traccar web-based dashboard at http://[my DDNS domain]:8082

I sent this SMS to my watch; pw,123456,ip,[my DDNS domain],8082# and I then got a reply that says OK.

Then I sent the SMS to my watch; pw,123456,ts# and it replied back with all sorts of information including the ID.

Finally I went to my Traccar server to add a new device by using the ID number I obtained from above as the Identifier.

Unfortunately, the device status remains Offline until now. Am I doing something wrong?

Master Kenobi6 years ago

After few trial and errors, I manage to fix it.

Q90 watch uses watch protocol. So the port number is 5093. The correct SMS is pw,123456,ip,[my DDNS domain],5093#

And then I setup port forwarding in my router for port 5093.

The Identifier is the ID number and not IMEI.

Berna Maxim6 years ago

@Master Kenobi, can you get updated location data from this device? I found on Traccar web, the status online, but I cannot see anything below (in State column)

Berna Maxim6 years ago
Master Kenobi6 years ago

not sure what's wrong but I can see a bunch info under the "State" section.

Michael Hunt5 years ago

I did the same thing as Master Kenobi and set my Q90 to my traccar server at port 5093. However when looking at the logs I get this:

2019-10-27 19:10:17  INFO: [d8a95859: watch <] HEX: ff41515348002b01000000f990e3ccfb7c7d6635159963f8baa893b7e968df051df481e1108f0688baf4c55db5ebbce7
2019-10-27 19:10:17  WARN: [d8a95859] error - unexpected byte at 18: 0x66 - IllegalArgumentException (WatchFrameDecoder:54 < BaseFrameDecoder:29 < ... < WrapperInboundHandler:57 < ...)
2019-10-27 19:10:17  WARN: [d8a95859] error - class io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator$InstrumentedUnpooledHeapByteBuf cannot be cast to class org.traccar.NetworkMessage (io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator$InstrumentedUnpooledHeapByteBuf and org.traccar.NetworkMessage are in unnamed module of loader 'app') - ClassCastException (ExtendedObjectDecoder:48 < ... < WrapperInboundHandler:50 < ... < OpenChannelHandler:38 < ...)

It doesn't show up on the console obviously. Any ideas?