It looks like your device is reporting incorrect time.
HI Anton,
I've checked the tracker and via a text message it reports location and correct time, here is the response from the tracker:
Engine OFF,Car is Disarmed,Position:38502DE0,A,Latitude=-27.50519,Longitude=+153.21676,Speed=0Km/h,Angle=0
Do you have any other thoughts around this perhaps ?
We don't need any other thoughts. That's a fact.
Make sure that device reports UTC time, not local time.
Hello Anton,
You seem upset with my post I apologize if my question upset you friend. I’m very new to tracking and your app as I metioned at the beginning. I’m mearly trying to eliminate possible issues and I’m learning at the same time. My comment on ‘any other thoughts’ simply means do you have any other suggestions.
Again my friend apologies for upsetting you I thought this was a place where people learning could reach out for help with this awesome software.
I’ll try perhaps elsewhere.
Thanks again for your suggestion and your quick response.
Enjoy the rest of the day
Asking for "other thoughts" clearly suggests that you thought that I was wrong.
Mate I’m not after criticizing you as I said I’m new and when i did the test it come back with the correct time. I’m asking yet again if there is another approach. Now I’m English this would NOT upset anyone had I asked them that question. Now your command of the English language is not good or your tampon dropped out which is it sunshine ?
What time zone is you server setup to? Does it match the device time?
The timezone is Brisbane Australia, I have two other tracking devices working on the server with no issues and are working well, The server is sitting within Home Assistant (HASSIO). There are NO issues with time on the other tracking devices.
Im a newbie so please be gentle :)
Ok I have a tracker that I've just loaded and I'm receiving the following in the log (HASSIO) - the no location data is being presented and the tracker appears online in the APP.
Wonder if anyone has had this issue before, here is the log:
My Other GPRS Tracker is working fine
Thanks in advance