Suggested OBDII and RFID trackers?

Kevin6 years ago


Can someone please suggest me tracker which actually sends OBD II data to traccar and works?
And some tracker with RFID option for "drivers" option to actually works with traccar?
Because I have ordered some from this list and they only send GPS data...

Please suggest me some which you tried or you know its working.

I will pay if needed for your suggestion.

Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

Have you tried meitrack devices?

Try (if you have already not) GV500 Queclink

For both
I would suggest Queclink GV300W with CAN-100 STD (for OBD Data) & DR-100 (for RFID)

Kevin6 years ago

Hello Ernesto and thanks for suggestion I really appreciate it.

Since I dont see it on traccar supported devices list can you please confirm is it working?
Does it require some additional programing on server side or I just add it like normal ones on list?
Where to order them, amazon?
Thanks buddy!

Kevin6 years ago

I want to donate for your reply!

Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

Hi Kevin,

All those devices I mentioned do work at Traccar platform. No additional configuration whatsoever. I think I did some changes to gl200 protocol for CAN-100 std to work flawless (I can help you out with it).
I buy those devices at local dealer in Monterrey, MX. Where are you located at?

Kevin6 years ago

Hello, thanks for your reply.
I will pay you for your help with that!
Im from Croatia (europe, near Italy)
I think only.option for me is amazon.

Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

Don't you worry about that. We are here to get help and provide it (as possible)
Here's my email (and skype) [REMOVED]
Let me know how may I help you.

Global Trans4 years ago

Hello Ernesto, I ask you if you can provide me with information about the changes in the gl200 protocol for the CAN-100 std and / or GV500. My skype is globaltranssrl . From already thank you very much.

Rodrigo3 years ago

Guys, good afternoon! I would like to know if traccar has rfid support for the concox gt06e tracker... I'm trying to make it work on traccar and I can't.. can you help me?