Driver with device

Is it possible to assign a device to a driver?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It's possible to assign driver to a device, as far as I remember.

Zuo Bruno6 years ago

I think the last answer @Anton gave on this question was that the device should support RFID,except of course recent updates might have added an option where this is not required

Mayank6 years ago

Hey Rahul,

It's possible.
Just add a new driver data using driver dialogue from the Settings gear in the top right of your portal.
And then go to settings gear of the device and assign the drivers to the device.

Is that possible with API.

Mayank6 years ago


Here u go;
Use the Api; http://localhost:8082/api/permissions with Payload as {deviceId: 2, driverId: 1} for mapping deviceId with driverId:1

Thanks, Mayank, now I'm able to link device and driver through API, but I'm getting response status as 204.

Mayank6 years ago

The given api replies with 204 code only, which indicates that the server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no content to send in the response payload body.

Hey Mayank I,m trying to access the device reports route, below is the URL I'm requesting

 GET :-   /api/reports/route?deviceId=3&from=2019-02-03 2:33:01&to=2019-02-04 2:33:01 
Text '2019-02-03 2:33:01' could not be parsed at index 10 - DateTimeParseException (... < DateUtil:63 < ReportResource:102 < ...)

-this is the error I'm getting when i'm trying to get the reports of route.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Your date format is invalid.

Mayank6 years ago

Hey Rahul,

Here the way you are passing the date is in the wrong format.

Please convert your date like 2019-02-02T16:15:15Z, If your date is 02-02-2019 and time is 16:15:15.
I believe this will fix your issue.

hi anton, can you help me out for the below from and to date how I need to define them.
this is my from date 2019-02-03 6:28:47 pm and to date 2019-02-04 7:13:01 pm

hey Mayank, thanks man for the date format now it is working.

Hi Mayank, I have created permissions Driver1 with Device1 and created a group called 'mini' where in this group I have added Driver1. Is it possible to get the devices positions only belongs to the mini group?

Hi Anton, I 'm trying to create a group but getting error messages - Invalid parameters and constraint violations.

error- Cycle in group hierarchy - IllegalArgumentException (GroupsManager:46 < *:77 < *:29 < BaseObjectManager:91 < BaseObjectResource:92 < ...) .

Traccar version:- 4.2