Disable Devices marker drawing in maps

Mayank6 years ago

Hi, Is there a way say some config where I can disable Devices marker drawing in maps?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I don't really understand the question. Do you want to see an empty map? Why?

Mayank6 years ago

Hi Anton, When we logged into the portal, all the devices get drawn on to the map for all the devices that we have registered. It takes some time to load when we have registered thousands of devices.
Now what I want is, instead of drawing all the points on to the map, When I select a particular device just draw that. I am curious, Is it possible to do so using some config? Or Do we need to do some code changes to incorporate so?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can filter devices in the "Devices" panel.

Mayank6 years ago

I suppose that's sort of UI based filtering, not backend filtering.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago


Tracker2 years ago

Hola a todos, estoy tratando de modificar el código frontend para tratar de ocultar los marcadores de los dispositivos en el mapa. La razón es que manejamos cerca de 5000 dispositivos y el navegador colapsa, se vuelve muy lento o simplemente deja de funcionar, por la gran cantidad de dispositivos que el navegador trata de dibujar. Hay alguna manera de restringir la carga automática de los marcadores en el mapa al iniciar sesión?

Juankaher9 months ago

having yhe same issue. have you manage to solve it?