Even easier solution is to use link here:
The app is from your link Anton. It's the hidden version from your site
Sorry Anton I don't mean accessing your downloads I mean accessing the the hidden version settings once installed
There is a link to open the app. I'm not talking about downloads.
I'm a little confused Anton. The link you posted in your reply is opens your download page on your server.
There is a button "Open App" on that page. That's the link I'm talking about.
Anton my apologies my friend. I totally missed that
Just a tip in case anyone has a problem accessing the app while abroad and their phone is in network roaming mode.. I recently visited Cyprus. My home country is the UK. While in Cyrus with my phone in network roaming mode I could not access the hidden version by dialing traccar 8722227. If i temporarily switch off roaming I can then access the app.