Getting duplicate push notification

Mubarag6 years ago

I have configured wetrack device with traccar server and added push notification in android app for ignition on and off. But I am getting duplicate push notifications whenever ignition was on or off. Please suggest me to fix this issue.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Check user attributes and make sure there is only one token there.

Mubarag6 years ago

Yes.. It has multiple token in tokenNotifications under user attributes since I tested the device with multiple phone with same user ID and password.. Can't we test with multiple phone with same user account in traccar?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You should be fine with multiple tokens. Just giving you ideas for debugging the issue.

Mubarag6 years ago

Thank you for your idea..Seems like it stores duplicate notification token when I tried with multiple phone.. It sends notifications based on the number of notification token stored. So I deleted the duplicate tokens and now I am not receiving the duplicate notifications..

Thanks for your great help..