What protocol are you talking about. Receiving data without GPS info shouldn't be a problem.
Sorry for not give any information about that - data with position attributes but without using co-ordinates are coming from Osmand protocol. Cordinates from GPS are coming from gps103 for example. When i send any information with Osmand protocol but without timestamp and co-ordinates then nothing happens because of filtering and if i change configuration to ignore from filtering some attributes with <entry key='filter.skipAttributes'> then co-ordinates changes to for example lon=1 and lat=1 as we send it. Is there any chance to send co-ordinates by Osmand and filter it with computed attributes or use co-ordinates from another device and stop from Osmand?
When we use geocoder with config like this:
<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>google</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.processInvalidPositions'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>true</entry>````
then we get an effect that almost satisfies us - we don't have anymore problem with Osmand position attributes but then data saved in database looks like that:
<a href="https://ibb.co/YtRbsY6"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/YtRbsY6/traccar-osmand.png" alt="traccar-osmand" border="0"></a>
In my opinion fixtime comes from google - that's just presumption.
I have a question about coordinates, database and timestamp. There is some problem when we have two seperate devices added to a single IMEI - the same for both devices. From one device could be coming: cordinates, and from another device: position attributes (without cordinates, like device state, temperature and other). As i found out there is no chance to save data to database when we don't send positions with cordinates and timestamp.
I know that we can ignore filtering but then it has to come with lon=1 and lat=1 for example which we don't want to happen. Can we send coordinates like lon=1 and lat=1, filter it and use somehow another attributes and then use coordinates from another device - from GPS?