In case it helps anyone. GT02A but turns out to be a GT02D

Adrian Hodgson6 years ago

I have been buying the cheap GT02A devices as advertised on Ebay, this is just for personnel use only just having a play on my own server.

I bought one originally and it worked as per the very simple user manual, i could set commands via SMS such as :


and all the rest including timer, 666666,,30# to set a 30 second update from the device to the server.

All worked OK so I thought I would buy a few more devices.

Well I could still set the server as before but the timer commands just did not seem to work.
I could connect both original and new devices OK to my server, Both set to port 5002 as they both seem to be using the same protoclol.

Eventually got my brain to work and sent the Get version command to the original and the response was:

(027045XXXXXXBP01GT02A_V02_HY)  So this showed it as a GT02A.

When tried to the new devices I had a response of


So in fact a GT02D device and yes the board is different with solder holes for ignition , SOS, etc.
But with some searching I managed to find a V8 user manual for it at
Turns out there are two timers a moving timer and a static timer and these are set with simple SMS commands such as:
730#20# for moving updates at 20 seconds and SUP#5# for a static update of 5 mins.

I continue to play, I have not found any Communications Protocol document for it yet but I assume it is very close to that for the tk103.


Julio Adrian T6 years ago

Wonderful!!!!! Thanks so much Adrian.
I was in the exact same situation as you were. Got some Chinese clones in the past, the "GT02A-V2.0", where the "Timer,666666,,10#" command worked pretty well. Then I got some more devices and they came as TK006 printed on the board, the board looked different, as you mentioned. Was set the new devices as the old ones and I was struggling to set the timer, then I was doing some research on the web until I came to your post. Saved my life!!!!
Same for me, the new devices listed as "GT02D-TK006" are working in the same protocol as the "GT02A-V2.0", protocol Tk103.

Julio Adrian T

Adrian Hodgson6 years ago

Glad to help, the device seems to be a mix and match of styles for setting the units up either using ', ' or ' # ' as separators.

I have noticed a bug with my units, which does not bother me. The LED's are turned off by pressing the side button, but are coming back on within say a 20 hour period, so either the the unit is rebooting or something is timing out? But for me a strip of black tape can be used to cover them.

They also have holes for acc or ignition sense, K+ for relay drive, an SOS input and microphone holes? Lastly mine have TX and RX holes as well, I have not tried the mic or figured what the TX/RX holes are used for.


Piotr1114 years ago

I have two Gt02D. I noticed that when I call the first one, it rejects the call and sends me the location (unfortunately to everyone who calls). The second model does not do that. Both are "Ver: GT02D-TK006-HS-SLW-JLX_V1.4_181106". Do you know how to edit call response behavior?

chrisv4 years ago

Thanks, Adrian - your Info solved my problem!