Push Notifications question

henry beltran6 years ago

Merry Christmas!!
What could be wrong? I have compiled an android app using the google-services.json file generated from a project created in the firebase console, I have installed the app in a phone, I can receive test notifications sent from the firebase console. I used the legacy key (from the firebase project) in the traccar server configuration: <entry key = 'notificator.types'> web, mail, firebase </ entry>
<entry key = 'notificator.firebase.key'> XxxXXxxxxxXXXxx </ entry>, I have also enabled the firebase notification.
However I do not receive push notifications on the phone from the server traccar.
No token appears in the properties of the server user.
I'm using version 4.2

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to debug the app and see why it doesn't get token.

rijotech6 years ago

I'm facing the same issue but i do have a notification token. henry beltran If you find a solution please elaborate.

rijotech6 years ago

How can i check the connection between Traccar server and Firebase Server?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If there were some issues, you would see it in logs, as far as I remember.

henry beltran6 years ago

Well, I have searched the tracker-server.log (logger level: all) I guess I should look the moment when the app traccar manager tries to connect with the server, but I do not see any error, unless I am looking in the wrong place. In the traccar server,only just have to add the legacy key in the default.xml configuration file of the server?

I build the app using google debug type and regular debug type with same result, the phone receive push notification from de firebase console, but no from traccar server, no token in user attributes.

I'm still searching and researching the solution

rijotech6 years ago

Well so far i have communication between the Firebase server and my traccar mobile app i can send push notifications from the Firebase server but I'm still unable to send push notifications from the Traccar server and i have notification token, also I check the log file and I have not seen any error that's why I'm curious to see what the problem may be, I'm using the Server Key from the firebase server.
Everything else works fine meaning email notification and SMS notification but Push via Firebase.

henry beltran6 years ago

Did you have key token in user attributes like this post?
this is my mail [removed]

henry beltran6 years ago

mystake sorry. [removed]

rijotech6 years ago

I think i found out what the problem is I'm testing something I'll let you know as soon as I check.

rijotech6 years ago