Watch gps device from WONLEX

Hai Nguyen6 years ago

HI Anton,
I have bought a wath device from wonlex CHINA, and when i try conect to port 5093 and loged show that:

2018-12-09 00:19:27 DEBUG: [4eaef7cc: 5093 <] HEX: ff41515348002b01000000b8dfd557bc40b93dfbc598624885f0a480c89e12d6e26b6cb71177a4626ef79e00000000f9

Help me how can i find the right port of this device?
Many thanks!

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It doesn't seem to be supported. Do you have protocol documentation?

Hai Nguyen6 years ago

Hi Anton,
Yes, i asked for protocol from Wonlex, which email can i send to you?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can send to support email.

Hai Nguyen6 years ago

I have sent email to support email, did you receive it?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I received an email, but there was no description of what it's for and no references to this thread, so I ignored it.

Marc Vallribera6 years ago

I also have a Wonlex watch, with this new protocol.
@Hai, where did you get the protocol information from? I've asked Wonlex but got no answer (yet).
Could you share it?

Marc Vallribera6 years ago

I finally found the problem. These new watches (like the Wondex GW100) send the information encrypted. You need a private key to decrypt the data. The private key must be bought to the maker of the watch.
So it is not possible to use them with traccar, unless you have the private key.

rohit6 years ago

Hello every one,

I have also same problem , do anyone get solution. I have an device with 3G electronics .
device send string like this:- [some binary data]

In Document :-

All data in this agreement is in accordance with [manufacturer*deviceid*Content length*content]Formats,Where the vendor identity is fixed to two bytes,The content length is fixed to four bytesAssiiCode,High in the former position in the back,Such as00A2Indicates that the length is162.

1.Link Retention

Terminal send : [3G*YYYYYYYYYY*LEN*LK, step number, roll times, power percentage]
Example :[3G*8800000015*000D*LK,50,100,100]
Platform reply: [3G*YYYYYYYYYY*LEN*LK]
Example :[3G*8800000015*0002*LK]
Description: The instruction interval is sent, and if the terminal does not receive the reply data, the connection is re-established .

Marc Vallribera6 years ago

If you are receiving these codes (starting with ÿAQSH), then it means that the device you are using is encrypted. It is sending a key, waiting for a special response.
You should either get the decryption key (some manufacturers claim about 2000US$ for that) or ask for an unencrypted device.
I have bought them from Wonlex and they work fine, but you must ask for the decrypted ones (

If anyone knows how to decrypt them, it will be more than welcome!

rohit6 years ago

Thank u @Marc Vallribera. i ask them for decryption key.

Austin Brigham6 years ago

Has there been anything new on this? I'm trying to get this working with my traccar installation as well and running into the same hurdle with the encrypted data.

Hai Nguyen6 years ago

@Austin Brigham not yet!

Marc Vallribera6 years ago

@Austin Brigham: I ended up buying the non-encrypted version.

Rustam5 years ago

Did Traccar implement a WONLEX protocol?

If not, could anyone , please, share the protocol description to me!
The best way - please - put in on the protocol's page or put here a link to the description!